Tuesday 22 January 2013

Aquarium and Zoo trips

It has been hard to get settled and find time for fun but we managed to squeeze in a couple trips in the last week.  While Chris was at work we decided to hit up the Aquarium.  They had some great exhibits where you could touch and feed the fish and rays but besides that I wasn't too impressed.  It was a small aquarium and we felt that it wasn't as impressive as other ones we have visited.  Apparently the aquarium in Denver has left big shoes to fill.  Anyway, the kids did have fun and enjoyed the dolphin and seal show.


We enjoyed lunch while watching this peacock.  We have seen a lot of them out around the Sentosa area which is where the aquarium is.  The peacock walked right up into the food place and the man gave it some bread.  It then came between our seats to steal food under the tables.  It brushed against Haley so of course they both thought it was pretty cool.

I would definitely pass on going back to this aquarium.  Not worth it for the money.  Just my opinion.

Our next trip on Sunday was to the zoo.  We decided to go ahead and get the membership since we had heard so many great things about it.  Yes, this zoo is pretty amazing and we will be going back on a regular basis.  I wish I could describe exactly how amazing it is.  The animals are smaller than what you will see in Austrailia but you feel like you are closer to the animals compared to what we are used to at home at the St. Louis Zoo.  It is also really neat to just look up and see a random monkey over your head.  With all the lush plants and walk ways it is just gorgeous.  We lucked out and had a cloudy day so it was much cooler and it didn't start to rain until we were heading out.  Perfect!

Haley was very excited to see the white tiger.  I think this was her favorite part.

There were a ton of baboons.  The babies and younger ones were hilarious to watch play.

You can thank my husband for capturing their "huge red bubble butts" as Mason said very loudly.  Yep, that's my lil guy!

The orangutans were on a huge play structure that you were able to get pretty close to.  They also had areas up in the trees where they could go around and be pretty much free.  Again, I wish I could really explain how neat this zoo is.  Guess you have to come see for yourself!!!  ;)

I did not want to be close to this komodo dragon at all.  Mason thought it was awesome.

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of this zoo.  We didn't get a chance to cover it all so we are very excited to go back.  Haley still wants to see the panda exhibit and Mason wants to do the elephant ride.  We will also try to do the night safari.


  1. Looks awesome. I'm glad you guys are getting out and having some fun.

  2. Very cool. I'll have to show the girls the animal photos, great pictures. I'm sure the monkey butt will be their favorite.
